Ornament Christmas Card - CPS 198

Ornament Christmas Card

The last day of school was Friday and I am happy to be on two weeks vacation. Not so happy that my 2-year-old son has had a fever for the last two days but I'm hoping he'll be better tomorrow. In the meantime, I've decided to get back on the card-making wagon and enjoy the ride while it lasts. So here I am entering a challenge for CPS sketch 198. I need to make some cards for the teachers at daycare so I used the ornament cut on the Cricut Christmas Cheer cartridge cut at 2 1/4". The ribbon and bling are both from the dollar store and I used a foam dot to pop up the middle ornament. I love the simplicity of this layout and I really like how the jewels make it a little more... merrier.

Here is the sketch:

And here is a close-up of the card:

Ornament Christmas Card


  1. wonderful!!! love that you used green color for the christmas ornaments

  2. WOW! I love this card. You are such an amazing crafter. I have left you an award on my blog if you'd like to check it out. I love your blog!

    at home ink at q dot com

  3. Thank you both! I feel like I am getting my mojo back.

    CraftsManda, thanks for the award! I will be sharing it soon!

  4. Those ornaments are just beyond adorable! CUTE and great use of the CPS sketch too.


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comments!

Diana - Teacher Mom