Diaper Cake Revisited

Personalized Diaper Cake 

You may recall that last month I wrote a guest post on Practical Mum where I shared a little tutorial on how to make a diaper cake. I left it quite simple since I didn't have anyone in mind to give it to. Now that a friend of ours is expecting her second child, I decided to personalize it for her and give it to her when we met for dinner last night. She loved it and seemed surprised that I had made it myself. We really had a wonderful time at dinner with a mutual friend of ours. We hadn't done that in over a year! There were plenty of laughs and stories to share. And I can't wait to do it again soon.

Personalized Diaper Cake

For the diaper cake, I simply cut out the lettering using Plantin Schoolbook using the Shadow feature at 3" and applied using some pop dots from the dollar store. I was short on time and looking back I would have preferred layering a regular cut in lime green on top, and maybe even add a little embossing. The cellophane made it look nice, too.

 Diaper Cake

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Diana - Teacher Mom