A New Blog for a New Hobby

Greetings and salutations! And welcome to my new design blog. I have recently taken on a new hobby of crafting greeting cards using my new toy, the Cricut, and decided to create this new blog in order to showcase some of my work. Now, please keep in mind that I'm an amateur and that I'm learning as I go, so most of my work may be lacking in professional and/or artistic design. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Truly. Sometimes I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing! But the main point is that I'm having fun doing it. I used to blog frequently over at Toronto Teacher Mom Blog, but got a little lazy. This time around, I have been inspired on a creative level and I'm hoping I'll be able to blog on a more regular basis. I love reading up on other people's blogs about scrapbooking and card making, so much so that it has motivated me to make my own, Diana's Designs. I hope you enjoy!

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Diana - Teacher Mom